Melania Moldovan1, Narcisa Prodan1, Andra Diana Coman2,
and Laura Visu-Petra1*
1 Research in Individual Differences and Legal Psychology (RIDDLE) Lab, Department of Psychology, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
2 Department of Psychology, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
The relation between the understanding of the mind as being constructive, anxiety, and parental factors is not fully elucidated. Interpretive diversity understanding represents an understanding that people can have a different interpretation of the same situation due to differences in beliefs, attitudes, and knowledge. We aim to bring together two approaches to this concept: the interpretive theory of mind (ToMi), and the constructivist theory of mind (ToMc) and relate them to anxiety symptoms and parental practices during middle childhood (8-12 years). In two studies, we used a restricted view paradigm to assess ToMi, a questionnaire to assess ToMc (the Constructivist Theory of Mind Interview, short written version in Study 1, and extended interview in Study 2) and parental and child reports of parental practices, as well as children’s anxiety symptoms. Results revealed that the two interpretive diversity understanding tasks were positively associated (Study 2). Overall, warm parental practices were positively associated with ToM tasks and a significant predictor for the ToMc interview answers. On the other hand, parental rejection and overprotection were negatively associated with performance on the ToMi task, with the ToMc score and positively with anxiety symptoms. Understanding the relationship between ToM, anxiety, and parental practices is essential for preventing early social and emotional difficulties during middle childhood.
Please cite this as: Moldovan, M., Prodan, N., Coman, A. D., & Visu-Petra, L. (2022). DEEP DIVE INTO THE CONSTRUCTIVE MIND: RELATING INTERPRETIVE DIVERSITY UNDERSTANDING TO ANXIETY SYMPTOMS AND PARENTAL PRACTICES IN MIDDLE CHILDHOOD. Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies, 22(1), 55-86.
DOI: 10.24193/jebp.2022.1.4
Published online: 2022/03/01
Published print: 2022/03/01
Keywords: interpretive diversity understanding, interpretive theory of mind, constructivist theory of mind, anxiety, parental practices, middle childhood