Katie Richards*1, Monika Marko-Holguin2, Joshua Fogel2,3, Lauren Anker2, James Ronayne2, Benjamin W. Van Voorhees2
1Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
2University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA
3Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY, USA
We developed and tested two primary care based approaches for the early identification and prevention of depressive disorders in adolescents. We conducted a randomized controlled trial originally intended to compare Brief Advice (BA) + Internet intervention with Motivational Interviewing (MI) + Internet intervention in primary care for adolescents experiencing persistent subthreshold depression (Project CATCH-IT). This is an exploratory long-term 2.5 year follow-up study of a phase II study comparing pre/post outcomes and potential moderators of outcomes. Participants (n=44) in the entire cohort maintained from baseline and continued to reduce depressive symptoms and percentage of subsyndromal depression. Greater motivation for depression prevention and lower ratings of self-efficacy at baseline were associated with greater declines in depression symptoms. These results suggest adolescents can be followed-up after Internet studies and there may be evidence of sustained reductions in depressed mood. The CATCH-IT model offers the possibility of a long term effect, but these results are limited by the small sample size and pre-post design. A large scale randomized clinical trial of the intervention is currently in progress.
Keywords: depression, prevention and control, clinical trial, primary health care
Published online: 2016/09/01
Published print: 2016/09/01
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