Amfiana Gherman*1
1Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
The main goal of this study was the construction of a scale that measures functional and dysfunctional beliefs about insulin from the perspective of Rational Emotive and Behavioral Therapy. Beliefs about Insulin Scale (BIS) has two major subscales, specific dysfunctional beliefs (absolute demands, awfulizing, low frustration tolerance, negative global evaluation about oneself), and functional beliefs about insulin (realistic wishes, high frustration tolerance, and contextual self-evaluation). An exploratory Factor Analysis was performed in order to check the internal structure of the scale and the constructs measured by comparing it to other general dysfunctional beliefs scales and also to another psychological insulin resistance scale. Statistical analysis indicated that the dysfunctional subscales of the Beliefs about Insulin Scale (BIS) have good psychometric qualities (including high reliability and good construct validity), and can be used to measure dysfunctional beliefs and cognitive distortions about insulin treatment. From a practical point of view, clinicians could use BIS to assess the types of beliefs that patients hold about insulin treatment. If dysfunctional beliefs are identified, clinicians could use empirically validated cognitive-behavioral strategies (e.g., REBT) to attempt to restructure these dysfunctional evaluations, and in turn to reduce psychological insulin resistance. Thus, the ability to keep people adherent to their insulin regimen requires a good understanding of their beliefs and it is our hope that the BIS will help clinicians achieve these goals.
Keywords: psychological insulin resistance, irrational beliefs
Published online: 2016/09/01
Published print: 2016/09/01
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