Carolina Anamaria BODEA HAŢEGAN*1, Dorina Anca TALAŞ2 & Florentina MOŞNEAG3
1,2Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
3Centrul Şcolar pentru Educaţie Incluzivă, Şimleu-Silvaniei, Romania
The researchers in the professional literature offer little information regarding the screening and the diagnosing process for dyslexia in the context of learning disabilities for high-school students. Due to the fact that lately, a large number of graduate high-school students lack to get a high school diploma, there are many concerns regarding the accommodations offered on standardized assessments to the students with learning disabilities, because most of the time they are not diagnosed due to the barriers occurring in getting a proper diagnostic assessment for high-school. This paper presents a screening (N=917) and a diagnose program for dyslexia (N=31) in the context of learning disabilities, designated for high school students, in order to establish the prevalence of dyslexia in the case of this category of participants and to establish if dyslexia is gender influenced. The instruments that were used during the two phases of the research were translated and adapted into Romanian language, results proving that the prevalence of dyslexia into Romanian high school population is 1.3% and it is gender influenced (boys are more likely to present dyslexia, the ratio boys to girls is 1:3).
Keywords: dyslexia, screening dyslexia program, high school students, learning disabilities, vocational high schools.