Erdinç DURU1, Murat BALKIS2
1 Pamukkale University, Turkey
2 Pamukkale University, Turkey
The current study was designed to provide further evidence for the organization structure of irrational and rational beliefs in the symptoms of anxiety in a sample of college students (N = 350). The findings suggest that the primary irrational/rational beliefs process predict the symptoms of anxiety via secondary irrational/rational beliefs processes. The current findings also suggest that negative life events predict the anxiety symptoms via irrational and rational beliefs. The present findings emphasize that the types of irrational beliefs, especially AWF and LFT, are an important factor in the development of anxiety symptoms while types of rational beliefs, especially N-AWF, are an important factor in the development of anxiety symptoms.
Please cite this article as: Duru, E., & Balkis, M. (2019). THE ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE OF THE IRRATIONAL AND RATIONAL BELIEFS IN THE ANXIETY SYMPTOMS. Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies, 19(2).
Keywords: irrational beliefs; rational beliefs; symptoms of anxiety; college students
Published online: 2019/09/01
Published print: 2019/09/01